Sunday, February 28, 2010


Phase 1 is officially done. And I DID do Yoga X last night :) I felt really good after I did it. Here are my Day 1 Pics compared to my 30 day Pics.

Day 1:

Day 30:

Day 1:

Day 30:

Day 1:

Day 30:

My Day 1 Measurements:
Chest: 33 in
Waist: 30 in
Hips: 40 in
R and L Thigh: 20.5 in
R and L Arm: 11.5 in

And my Day 30 Measurements:
Chest: 32 in
Waist: 29 in
Hips: 39 in
R. Thigh: 20 in
L. Thigh: 20 in
R Arm: 11.5 in
L Arm: 11.5 in

I think I'm on the right track so far. I've lost a total of 6 pounds, but I'm trying not to worry to much about the number, because I know muscle weighs more than fat, and I feel like I am definately gaining some muscle. My clothes are beginning to fit better, so that's what I'm going off of!
I'm looking forward to some new videos in Phase 2 :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

recovery week

This week was my first recovery week! Phase 1 DONE:) That feels like quite the accomplishment in itself. The first month was pretty tough, but I feel like now doing these videos everyday is just habit, so I won't have to talk myself into it too much. HA!
Core Synergistics was a new one for me this week, the first time I did it I wasn't so sure if I liked it or not, I think just because I didn't know any of the excercises. However, the second time I LOVED it, I think it is my new fav. It is truely an entire body workout and I burned tons of calories while doing it (535 accoring to my HRM, I love that thing.)
Tonight I'll do Yoga, I must admit I am dreading it a little bit, I'm considering swapping out Cardio X or something...but I won't, I'll stick to the schedule. It's just so dang long. OK OK I'm done complaining.
Tomorrow I take my Phase 1 pics and measurements, so I'll hopefully get them posted sooner rather than later.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's been awhile

I am realizing that I'm not very successful at this blogging thing. Maybe it's because nothin' new is really going on. I'm still keeping on track with my workouts, haven't missed one :) Next week is my FIRST recovery week, which feels like quite the accomplishment.
I got my first "Em, you look skinny, you losing weight??" today. That was nice, considering it came from a girl at work who sees me everyday. I told her all about P90X and I think I have a believer out of her. She wants to use mine when I'm done, but I told her I don't think I'll be able to give it up!! I seriously love these workouts.
Kenpo X is my favorite so far, I used to do TurboJam and always enjoyed that, it's fun and gets my heart pumping. I know I've said I LOVE Yoga X, and I do love Yoga, but it is the video I dread the most these days. I think it's because its 90 min. instead of 60 min. I find myself getting bored in the last 15 to 20 minutes (during the poses and stretching) and just wanting to be done. Is this normal???
I will take my Phase 1 Photos and measurements a week from today. So I'll post those soon. I feel great, and hope all this hard work is paying off :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So you know I was looking at those Reebok adjustable weights, Steven and I went to Target on Sunday, and he bought them for me! :) He "says" they are for him too, but I'm pretty sure 12 pounds is too light for him, and he left them at my apartment! I'm very excited. I used them today during Shoulders and Arms, it made a big difference from the resistance band I used last week. I burned about 60 more calories than last week too, so I can tell I work harder with them. THANKS STEVEN! :)

Yesterday was Plyo day. That is quite the workout, but I do really like it. My goal was to not extend any of the 30 second breaks by hitting pause. Last week I think I extended each one by about 20 to 30 seconds. Yesterday I did have to extend ONE break, but I'm fighting a cold and really needed a Kleenex. haha. So I think I could have reached my goal had I been in good health :) Next week it will happen.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

One Week Down

I haven't kept track of my workouts on here for a few days, but I have not fallen off the bandwagon already :)

Wed- Shoulders and Arms & Abs. I liked this one...I've been having to make do with what I have (a resistance band) for now. For the pull ups I rig the band in the doorway and kneel down like they do in the video, it works for now, plus I'm not able to do a full pull up on my own, YET! I do need to invest in some weights, I'm really interested in the adjustable kind so I just have one set laying around. These are the ones I want...

They go from 2.5 pounds up to 12 pounds each, and they are on sale at Target if anyone else wants to get in on this deal. :)

Thurs- Yoga. I love Yoga. I danced for about 12 years of my life so I've always been into the Pilates and Yoga workouts, flexibility is important. Needless to say, I enjoyed this workout alot, and burned 523 calories during all the fun.

Fri- Legs and Back & Abs. Wall Squats (I think thats the right term) kicked my BUTT! Who thought standing against a wall with your knees bent could be so excrutiating?! HA! Anyway, I love all the variations of movements in this workout, I never would have thought to do calf-raises while standing pigeon-toed, it worked a muscle I didn't even know I had. And I noticed today Ab Ripper X seemed a little easier. Now, the word easy shouldn't even be used in the same sentence as Ab Ripper X, but I was able to complete a lot more of the crunches, and even do the advanced version on some! I used to have a GREAT core strength, over the past couple years it's dwindled...but I think this whole "muscle memory" thing is true:) Good thing for me.

Saturday- After a LONG day at work (back to back appointments from 9am until 5pm) I made myself do Kenpo X When I got home. Standing, and bending, and shampooing all day really takes its tole on my back when I do it non-stop (I don't wear the best shoes, but MUST be fashionable. HA!) Anyways, I came home, put my workout clothes on right away and got to work. And it was well worth it!! I feel great :)

Now that I rambled WAY to much, I feel up to date....Tomorrow is Stretch day, and my body is going to thank me. Hope I didn't bore anyone TOO much!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


WOW! Just finished Plyometrics. Keyword here: FINISHED! It was pretty brutal, but I did it :) and burned 649 calories! Now at least I know what to expect for next time, and it can only get easier from here, right????? haha!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day One!!

Today was the day!! I did Chest and Back along with Ab Ripper x, and really enjoyed it. And best of all, I burned 591 calories! I was more than ready for a good workout, this past weekend was Stevens birthday so we spent the weekend downtown, got massages, sat in the hottub, and did a whole lot of nothing. It was a great weekend, don't get me wrong, but I was starting to feel a LITTLE lazy. haha!

Well, here are my before measurements:

Prior to Day 1:
CHEST: 33 in
WAIST: 30 in
HIPS: 40 in
R. THIGH: 20.5 in
L. THIGH: 20.5 in
R. ARM: 11.5 in
L. ARM: 11.5 in

And Pics:
Please disregard the horrible no-make-up-and-ugly-hair look I have going on here. It was early :)

Tomorrow is Plyometrics...I have no clue what to expect, but hopefully it will be as rewarding as today was!